Developer shall pay the City a water main fee for the existing water main along the Tasman Drive frontage of the property (Centennial frontage is considered satisfied). This fee shall be computed at the rate of $60 per foot of street frontage of the property. Based on the 926 feet of frontage of the property along Tasman Drive, the fee would be calculated as: 926 feet x $60/foot = $55,560.00.
Developer shall pay the City a sanitary sewer outlet charge. The revenue from the sanitary sewer conveyance fee shall be used for the acquisition, construction, replacement and debt retirement of off-site sewerage facilities as described in Resolution No. 07-7415 - Exhibit A (Sanitary Sewer Capacity Assessment Study by RMC Water & Environment Inc.). Pursuant to said resolution, this fee shall be computed at the rate of $5.50 per gallon per day of the estimated sanitary sewer effluent. Based on the estimated effluent of 233,000 gallons per day from this development, the fee would be calculated as: 233,000 GPD x $5.50/GPD = $1,281,500.00. Sanitary Sewer Connection Fee (Sewage Treatment Plant Expansion Connection Charge): Developer shall pay the City a sanitary sewer connection fee to finance capital and debt retirement costs associated with the sewage treatment facilities which are allocated to unused or future capacity. The fee shall be computed at the rate of $4.30 per gallon per day of the estimated sanitary sewer effluent. Based on the estimated effluent of 233,000 gallons per day from this development, the fee would be calculated as: 233,000 GPD x $4.30/GPD = $1,001,900.00.
Developer shall pay the City a street lighting fee to cover the cost for the installation of electric facilities used to provide street lighting in and around the property development. The unit basis for the street lighting is the number of acres of development property. The developer is also responsible for providing and installing underground substructures (conduits, manholes, and splice boxes) required for the street light installation in accordance with Silicon Valley Power requirements. The street light fee is calculated by multiplying the number of acres of development by the current fee rate of $1,763.75. Based on the prorated acreage of the project of 9.93 acres, the fee would be calculated as: 9.93 acres X $1,763.75/acres = $17,514.00 (rounded to nearest dollar).
Developer shall pay the City an electric load development fee to cover the cost for the installation of electric facilities used to deliver electric energy to the new or upgraded development. The unit basis for the Load Development fee is the electric demand increase measured in Kilovolt Amperes (KVA). The developer is also responsible for providing and installing along the property public frontage all underground substructures (conduits, manholes, and splice boxes) required for current and future electric facility installation in accordance with Silicon Valley Power requirements. The Load Development fee is calculated by multiplying the electric demand increase (KVA) by the current fee rate of $92.60. Based on the estimated demand increase (KVA) of 9,000 from this development, the fee would be calculated as: 9,000 KVA X $92.60/KVA = $833,400.
Developers shall pay an engineering and inspection fee , which includes all charges except overtime, for engineering and inspection services rendered by the City. The engineering and inspection fee shall be computed at the rate of eight percent (8%) of the total construction cost of all public works facilities and improvements (except water facilities), installed by the developer. The developer shall pay all payroll costs for engineering and inspection services requested by the developer outside of the regular City work hours. Such fees shall be due and payable upon demand of the City. Inasmuch as the cost of public works facilities and improvements to be installed by the developer is unknown at this time, this fee is still to be determined.
Developers shall pay a water engineering and inspection fee , which includes all charges except overtime, for water engineering and inspection services rendered by the City. The water engineering and inspection fee shall be computed at the rate of eight percent (8%) of the total construction cost of all water facilities (domestic, fire protection and recycled) and improvements installed by the developer. The developer shall pay all payroll costs for water engineering and inspection services requested by the developer outside of the regular City work hours. Such fees shall be due and payable upon demand of the City. Inasmuch as the cost of water facilities and improvements to be installed by the developer is unknown at this time, this fee is still to be determined.